We sponsor activities and events of community clubs, groups and associations that benefit our brand and our communities by delivering:

  • clearly defined benefits to the community
  • positive enhancement of the BankWAW brand
  • engagement opportunities, enabling BankWAW to connect with its communities, staff and customers in a meaningful and relevant way

We prioritise sponsorship of:

  • communities where we have a service centre or community presence
  • clubs and associations who have a current banking relationship with us
  • clubs and associations who work within one of our key community pillars of:
    1. health and wellbeing
    2. arts and culture
    3. environment and sustainability

We do not sponsor individuals. We also do not sponsor events or activities that:

  • are aligned to political or religious groups
  • are a direct responsibility of and/or funded by government
  • could be constructed as discriminatory
  • promote or encourage gambling, smoking, alcohol or any substance abuse
  • could be detrimental to public health and safety
  • represent a conflict of interest for BankWAW

In return for sponsorship, we expect you to:

  • promote BankWAW in a positive manner
  • correctly display BankWAW branding when promoting our brand in any marketing and communications
  • not seek funding from other financial institutions
  • share with us promotional materials in which BankWAW features
  • allow us to publicise your materials and our support for your group, event or activity

For more information about our sponsorship guidelines please contact marketing@bankwaw.com.au.

You can download the guidelines as PDF.